- 2007-08 Crisis
- Autarchy
- Bureaucracy
- Capitalism
- Closed System
- Competition
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- Culture Divide
- Currency
- Current Events
- Debt Ceiling
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- Economic Theory
- Federal Budget
- Free Market
- Inflation
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- Motivation
- National Debt
- Perpetuity
- Political Theory
- Public Choice Theory
- Solutions
- Systems Theory
- Taxes
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- Wealth
- Welfare Statism
Fixing the system by working within it
Debate This! is a co-production of Rebellious Truths and The Comeback America Initiative (http://www.keepingamericagreat.org), featuring footage from The Can Kicks Back (http://www.thecankicksback.org). In this video, the youth of America speak frankly to their concerns about the debt crisis and our nation’s ills, connecting them to the first presidential debate and what they did not see versus what they need to see. We have been documenting students from all across this nation on our bus tour and got former Comptroller G, D-Walker, talking to students, giving them the nonpartisan truth about how we can help pressure our candidates to be asked the tough questions and to make the tough choices in order to get our country out of the suck tunnel! Share this video and demand specifics, tough questions, and tough choices of the candidates beyond partisanship!